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Hungarian-English translation for: IS
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Dictionary Hungarian English: IS

Translation 1 - 52 of 52


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NOUN   an I | Is
VERB  to be | [I/he/she/it] was/wis [Scot.]// [you/we/they] were | been ... 
is {adv}
is {adv}also
továbbra is {adv}furthermore
is {adv}likewise
vansb./sth. is
bármi iswhatever
bármit iswhatever
föld. Izland {noun}Iceland <.is>
2 Words: Others
végül is {adv}after all
mint eddig (is)as before
mint korábban (is)as before
ahogy vanas is
is {adv}as well
most is {adv}even now
akkor is, haeven though
3 Words: Others
..., ugye? {adv}..., is it?
idióma Bármi történjék is.Come what may.
Esik az eső.It is raining.
Dörög az ég.It is thundering.
nagyon is sokmore than enough
nagyon is sokmuch too much
közm. Hallgatni arany.Silence is golden.
Az idő pénz.Time is money.
idióma Az idő lejárt.Time is up.
Nagy a forgalom.Traffic is bustling.
Ki az?Who is there?
4 Words: Others
..., ugye? {adv}..., is it not?
Zivatar közeledik.A thunderstorm is coming up.
Jól van.He is doing well.
Mennyibe kerül (ez)?How much is it?
Az eső elállt.The rain is over.
közm. Tévedni emberi dolog.To err is human.
Mi van?What is the matter?
útiszó Mennyi az idő?What is the time?
útiszó Hogy hívnak?What is your name?
útiszó Mi a neved?What is your name?
Mi a véleménye?What is your opinion?
Hány óra van?What time is it?
útiszó Mennyi az idő?What time is it?
5+ Words: Others
közm. Nem mind arany, ami fénylik.All that glitters is not gold.
idióma akárhogy is legyencome hell or high water
Nem zsánerem.He / She is not my type.
Itt van, ugye?He is here, isn't he?
Ugye itt van?He is here, isn't he?
zsibbadt a lábahis / her foot is all pins and needles
idióma Nekem mindegy.It is all the same to me.
Vacsoraidő van.It is time for dinner / supper.
nemcsak ..., hanem ... isnot only ..., but also
idióma Ez nekem csehül van.That is Greek to me.
Szorít az idő.Time is of the essence.
Mi van a konyhában?What is in the kitchen?
Fiction (Literature and Film)
iro. F A nevem: Piros [Orhan Pamuk]My Name Is Red
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